
Eggs from pasture raised chickens are one of the best sources of protein you can find. One egg contains 7g of protein along with the correct balance of fat & carbs for your body to process it well.
Eggs are an incredible food source because of the wide variety of natural minerals & nutrients it contains. They are high in omega-3’s, vitamin A, D & E & beta carotene. The body converts Beta Carotene into vitamin A (retinol). Vitamin A, known as a vital nutrient for vision, plays a critical role in cell growth & in maintaining healthy organs like the heart, lungs, & kidneys.

Now let’s talk about the quality of the eggs you are buying. It all depends on the way the chicken was raised. Chickens raised on a farm where they are free to eat bugs, weeds, grass, & seeds as they choose are the healthiest & happiest birds you will find.

When lab tests are used to compare farm fresh eggs with official USDA nutrient data for commercial eggs (aka: store bought versions), farm fresh eggs can contain:
– 2/3 more vitamin A
– 1/4 the amount of saturated fat
– 3-times more vitamin E
– 7-times more beta carotene
– 1/3 the amount of LDLs (bad cholesterols)
– 4 to 6-times more Vitamin D. (Pasture-raised hens get to be out in the sun & this vitamin D makes it's way directly into their eggs. Pasture-raised eggs are widely regarded as one of the best food sources for vitamin D)
– 2-times more Omega 3 fatty acids. (Not only are they essential for healthy heart, brain & nerve function – they are also good for babies in-utero)

Now let’s talk about the “vegetarian fed” label on some eggs/chickens.
Please do not EVER buy eggs from chickens that are fed a vegetarian diet! Here’s why- chickens are not vegetarians! In addition to grains, grass, foliage and vegetable matter, chickens love to eat bugs, grubs, worms, lizards and frogs. The vitamins in eggs are all extremely beneficial to the human diet. If a hen is truly organic & pasture raised, I assure you she isn’t a vegetarian – any farmer who guarantees their chickens are vegetarians is not raising free-range or pasture raised chickens. Not to mention the fact that you’ll be missing out on a lot of the help benefits of eating eggs because the chickens will be lacking the nutrients they need. 
It’s also important to know your terms. Just because eggs are labeled “free-range” doesn't mean the chickens have access to the outdoors or bugs, seeds, sunlight, etc. Terms that don't mean anything- all-natural, farm-fresh, hormone-free, brown. Do your own research and know what terms mean before buying eggs. One of the best ways to make sure your eggs come from a responsible source is to raise the chickens yourself or know the farmer who raised them.
Once you know how good pasture raised chicken eggs are- you just wont be able to justify commercially raised eggs again.

Did you know you can add a raw egg yolk to your morning drink to add an extra boost of protein & nutrients? Yep!
As long as you know the source & quality of your eggs, this is totally safe to do. I added raw egg yolk to my smoothies and hot drinks my entire pregnancy to help boost protein & mineral intake. It was great!

2 cups- Raw milk or coffee
2 tbls- Cocoa powder (only for hot chocolate) 
1/8 cup- Maple syrup
2 tbls- Collagen
1/8 tsp- Flake salt
Mix together till warm.
Turn heat of, ddd 1 raw egg yolk, wisk well & enjoy!

Good QUALITY salt

collagen- code LILYEIDE10

RAW milk info

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