According to 2 time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling PhD- "You can trace every sickness, disease & ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
Our body desperately needs these minerals for health & wellbeing! Your body relies on minerals for hormone production, nerve communication, brain health & function, & so much more.
-Headaches & migraines
-Muscle twitches
-Chronic pain
-Hormone imbalance
-Frequent illness
-Brain fog
-Conception & miscarriage issues
-Heavy periods cramps
-Growing pains
Mineral Essence:
It's a powerhouse supplement- it's a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex. These are fancy words to say that it has a lot of trace minerals that your body needs. It also has all of the other nutrients that your body needs to use those trace minerals. Minerals including iron, zinc, sodium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, & potassium as well as peppermint, cinnamon bark & lemon essential oils. The essential oils help the body absorb all these ionic minerals, making them more "useable" to our bodies.
Ningxia Red:
This is a full body mineral & antioxidant drink. It is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels.
Beef Liver Capsules:
Getting animal organ meats into our diets are a HUGE part of overall good health. They are filled with trace minerals that our bodies need in order to function well. Sometimes eating raw or cooked organ meats is hard to do- so these capsules are my go to substitute. Beef liver is really high in the following vitamins & nutrients- zinc, iron, Vit K, Vit A, copper, B12, selenium & more. These capsules are grass-fed, un-defatted beef liver in its purest form.
It may seem weird to hear a recommendation to take minerals for stress, but this whole list of health issues causes stress to the body. These types of stress (if left unmanaged) can do unmeasurable amounts of damage in the body. Keep in mind that consumption of refined sugars, caffeine, stress, and lack of sleep will quickly deplete minerals, so use more when those are a factor. Due to bad farming practices, low quality diets, pollution, & other factors, our soil & food just does not contain the minerals it used to. This means we need to supplement (intentional add back in) those missing minerals.
I am not a doctor! This is just to help point you in the direction for more awareness on the effects of mineral deficiency. Please see your doctor for medical advice 😝✌🏼
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