The quality & purify of the essential oils you use matters a ton! Oils can do powerful things to transform your health IF you’re using a truly pure oil.
But that’s where an issue lies. According to the FDA- you only have to put 5% oil in a bottle & you can label it 100% pure oil. This means that the company can add 95% of whatever else they want & they don't have to tell you! This is one reason that so many people have bad reactions to essential oils- they are actually reacting to the 95% filler.
Secondly, the way the plant is grown & distilled is key in determining the quality & potential benefits in an oil. Each plant/oil has to be grown, havrested & distilled very carefully in order to extract the highest level of benefits. Most companies are just seeking the highest quantity of oil so they sell more (makes sense) but when you are buying an oil for it’s health benefits… you want an oil produced with health in mind- not money.
** Scroll to the bottom for info on Kids & Oils! **
Questions to ask before buying oils:
What are their purity & quality standards?
Can you go visit their farms?
Do they have research & science to back their oils?
Are they transparents about their test results?
What are the company standards, goals & beliefs?
Why I choose Young Living to buy my oils:
Highest oil purity standards
They are willing to lose money in order to insure the highest quality of oils
Sustainable farming practices with transparency about farms & tests
Oils produces for the highest therapeutic benefit, not for the largest financial yield
They have above organic standards
They own the largest oil research library to ensure the highest quality of oils
Young Living is the world leader in essential oils, offering an extensive & continuously expanding line of therapeutic essential oils & essential oil-infused plant-based products.
I choose Young Living is because they have what they call The Seed to Seal Standard. This is a quality standard they personally set that goes wayyy beyond organic, “normal” or what other industry competitors are doing. This Standard sets them apart! Seed to Seal is Young Living’s unprecedented set of practices and standards that help ensure that every Young Living essential oil is the best possible product in the industry. Seed to Seal is marked by 3 things- Sourcing, Science & Standards.
Not all essential oils are created equally. Unlike other companies, Young Living owns their own farms around the world. 100% of Young Living’s essential oils come from either their corporate-owned farms, partner farms, or Seed to Seal-certified suppliers. These are farms that have been rigorously analyzed for optimal quality, conscientious sourcing, sustainability, & with sensitivity to local communities and ecosystems.
Science is the cornerstone of Young Living. The trained staff includes over 50 highly-trained scientists in their own state-of the-art labs with some of the most advanced specific equipment available. This is completely unprecedented by any other essential oil company. This allows Young Living to analyze the essential oils at every stage of production for purity & therapeutic properties as well as to conduct verifiable research on the health benefits of Young Living essential oils. They work with top researchers around the world, including Nobel Prize winners, to stay on top of cutting-edge research in the field of aromatherapy.
As part of Young Living’s standards and owning state-of-the-art labs, every batch of essential oil is tested through at least eighteen different tests which are done in TRIPLICATE! Testing begins at the farms & continues all the way through the final stages prior to shipment to customers.
These tests include:
• Viscometry
• Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS)
• Chiral Chromatography
• Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)
• Gas Chromatography (GC)
• High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
& more! You can read more about Seed to Seal here :
How do I use oils?
There are 3 ways to use essential oils:
Topically (put 3 drops of Valor oil on your chest to lower anxiety)
Internally (put a drop of Thieves oil in your tea for immune support)
Aromatically (put 7 drops of Peace & Calming oil in the diffuser to help you sleep better)
I use oils for so many things… respiratory boost, sleep, swelling, teething babies, wound care, anxiety, headaches, spinal alignment, immune health, emotional/mood boost, cleaning, digestive support, detox, muscle pain/soreness, & so much more!
Let's work together to get you oils & I’ll help you learn all the ways essential oils can support your body!
Kids & Oils:
Oils are a mamma’s best friend! They can make so much of life easier from sleep and digestion to breathing and crying. I use oils on my kids even before they are born (yes most oils are safe for pregnancy.) & I start using oils on my babies they day they are born if they need support in a certain area.
If you have never used oils before but want to try them to make life easier… I’d love to help guide you through that!
Things to consider:
start slow & try different oils- every child is different & will need a different oil or amount of oil to help them (don't give up after trying 1 oil)
are they pure, high-quality oils? (Young Living is the only brand I will use)
are they hot or warm oils- peppermint, thieves, oregano, etc. (I would dilute these oils more heavily)
do you have information/guidance on how to use oils on kids that comes from a good source (aka NOT google!)
a little goes a long way (you probably only need to use 1-3 drops of oil for it to help your little one)
The book Gentle Babies is also a great resource for using oils with kids. I am not saying ALL oils are safe for babies. But when you do it right, they are wonderful!! Here is a guide for my top mamma oils.
Do you have questions about oils, supplements, food, making wellness easy, or natural living?
I'm here to help- text me & let's chat!
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