NingXia red

If you can only afford one supplement to support your body- make it NingXia Red! Ningxia Red is a whole-body supplement; it contains antioxidants which work in the body to heal, defend & boost cellular health. 

So why are antioxidants a big deal? Antioxidants heal cells & help them properly do their tasks in the body. Antioxidants also make for an unfriendly environment for free radicals in the body. What are free radicals? Free radicals destroy cells & bind to cell receptors. So if you drink or eat a food high in antioxidants, the antioxidants will kill the free radicals, heal the cells, and help them more efficiently bind to the proper receptors so your body can function well again! Basically antioxidants make sure your body has healthy cells- aka the building blocks of your whole body. The way they measure antioxidant levels of a food is with an ORAC score. Blueberries have an ORAC score of 4,669… Elderberries 13,000… Goji-Berries 22,000… And the wolfberries in Ningxia have a high, really high ORAC score at 30,000! 

Ningxia Red is a blend of the Ningxia Wolfberry (also known as goji berries, a superfruit) along with plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, & pomegranate juices & extracts. What makes Ningxia Wolfberries so special? Wolfberries grow at the base of the Himalayan mountains and are fed with the runoff water from the mountains. The people who live in the Ningxia region in China have amazing vibrant health that they partially attribute to their daily consumption of the wolfberries! NingXia Red also contains all 18 essential amino acids (the body uses them for muscle repair). As well as pure vanilla extract, Lemon, Orange, Yuzu, & Tangerine essential oils. All of which are high in D-limonene (google it- prevents cancer) 
Basically- Ningxia Red is all the top of the line wellness foods mixed into one yummy drink!!

How do you consume it?
I drink 2oz of Ningxia Red daily in my wellness drink which also contains whole food Vitamin C and Sulfurzyme powder. But you can also just drink 2oz straight or make a popsicle by sticking a 2oz packet in the freezer. However you like it best- drink some NingXia Red!

What Ningxia Red can do for you:
Boost Immune system
Skin, nail & hair health
Support eyesight
Boost energy levels
Balance blood sugar 
Support organ health 
Boost mental clarity & memory
Restore & maintain gut health
Combat premature aging
Manage cholesterol levels
Manage weight
Better quality of sleep
Support cardiovascular health
Protect DNA
Strengthen muscles & bones
Support normal kidney function
Reduce anxiety & stress

How do you get some?
Ningxia Red comes in 2oz packets or in bigger glass bottles. If you are already a Young Living member you can login to your account & order some! The NingXia Red Loyalty Rewards kit is the best price per ounce. 
If you’re not a member yet- yay! NingXia Red is the PERFECT place to get started! This link has all the options-
place a 100PV order & you'll get an extra 24% off your NingXia Red!

Use the code SHAREYL for an extra 10% off!

NingXia Red

Learn more!

Buy Ningxia Red Here

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