Pregnancy guide

Pregnancy is such a beautiful season! It's full of new growth for mom & baby, strengthening, preparing, & so much refining.
Take this time to draw inward. Listen to your mind, baby, & body- do what they are asking of you. Rest, nourish yourself, protect your peace & space, reflect & process your past & current emotions, & get ready to fall so in love with a tiny human. 
This season is going to stretch you so so much- it's in preparation for birth & then motherhood, so though it may be hard, don't resist it. In preparation for your birth you need to learn to surrender your control to God & bring full peace into your mind & body. This doesn't happen overnight so start now. 

Birth is not something to fear.
It is perfectly designed into a woman.
A natural birth is an opportunity for a woman to use both incredible strength & surrender to bring her child into the world.
She uses the power of the voice of her body & baby to guide her through the process.
Trusting that her body knows how to do this & her baby knows what it needs, even if she doesn’t.
Her only job is to gather all her strength to surrender to the beautiful process.

My Pregnancy Must Have's:
-Books to read (Nurture, Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering, Childbirth Without Fear, The First 40 Days, & Holy Labor)
-Claraderm Spray* (use this daily to prepare your lady parts starting at 36 weeks)
-Progessance Plus serum* (use till 12ish weeks for healthy progesterone levels) 
-Moon Womb pillow for better sleep & nursing 
-Oils for sleep (Lavender,* Peace & Calming*, Stress Away*, Dream Catcher*, Ceaderwood*, Pine*, Frankincense*) 
-Oils for back/muscle pain or tension (Deep Relief,* Valor*, Peppermint*)
-"Prenatals" It's not a "one size fits all" so you need to address what your body needs, please don't just take a prenatal. I recommend taking Ningxia Red,* Super B*, Mineral Essence*, OmegaGize*, & Beef Liver.
-For heartburn (Digize*, raw milk)
-For morning sickness, make sure you're getting the above supplements in for nourishment. Things that also may help (Peppermint*, JuvaFlex*,  Digize*, Alkalime*)
-For stretch marks (10 drops each Lavender*, Frankincense*, & Copiaba* oils mixed with 1/2c coconut oil)
-Cistus* oil to be dropped in your mouth immediately after birth to help manage bleeding
-Copiaba* oil for after birth, take 5 drops every hour for the first week or so to help manage swelling
-Herbs & epsom salts for baths after birth
-Myrrh* oil & raw honey to put on tears after birth 
*Everything marked with a * is linked              

Part of being a parent is making decisions for your child's health. Many of these choices are things you cant take back- so I encourage you to do your own research & make your decisions carefully, with confidence & without fear. 
Decisions to Make/Things to Research:
-Where will you deliver
-OB, Midwife, Birth Center, Home Birth, Free Birth
-GBS testing & antibiotics 
-Eye ointment 
-Birth classes
-Delayed cord clamping
-Vaccines (all of them. The book Dissolving Illusions is a great resource.)
-Vit K shot
-Mouth ties
-Gestational Diabetes 
-IV fluids
-Cervical checks
-Continuous fetal monitoring
-Cascade of interventions
-Skin to skin
-The 5-5-5 rule
-Postpartum rest
-Placenta encapsulation 
This is not a full list, but the basics. Yes I know it can be overwhelming but this is apart of your parenthood- making decisions for your child. The Natural Minded Mamma has a great list           you should read.

By the time you deliver you should have an decision made on each of these things. 

Things to prepare your body for birth:

-Yoga or some form of daily stretching
- Pelvic opening movements w/ or w/out a yoga ball
- Make sure you are staying well hydrated 
- Make sure you are consuming a salt & mineral rich diet. Read           blog to learn more about minerals. 
- Claraderm spray every time you pee sprayed on your lady parts 35 weeks till delivery
-Gentle Birth tincture 3x a day 35 weeks till birth
-Daily movement (walks, hike, bike, whatever you like to do)
-Take the "prenatals" I talked about above. Especially Beef Liver & Ningxia Red
-Consume plenty of protein 
-Journal, process, feel (don't hold things in, now is the time for your emotions to run deep & for you to feel & heal them in preparation for birth & motherhood) 
-Minimize sugar & processed foods
-Minimize toxins in your personal care, cleaning, & food products 
-Get intentional about nourishment- the Brewer Diet is a great resource. 

I am a firm believer that pregnancy is the season of preparing for birth & postpartum. So you can go find my postpartum blog to read that- but here are some of my thoughts on birth. 

Birth is not a medical event!! 
Women’s bodies were designed perfectly by God to grow, deliver & nourish our babies.
When you lean into trusting & strengthening the trust you have & power in your own body…
You will find yourself giving birth to the mother of your dreams. 
We were made for a birth like this. 
Without unnecessary interventions. Without extra noise or people. Without panic or fear.
In the comfort of your own home. Surrounded by the people who support & make you feel safe. 
Empowered to deliver your child & encouraged listen to your baby & body to tell you exactly how to do it.

This is also an incredible resource! 




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Pregnancy is such a beautiful season! It's full of new growth for mom & baby, strengthening, preparing, & so much refining.
Take this time to draw inward. Listen to your mind, baby, & body- do what they are asking of you. Rest, nourish yourself, protect your peace & space, reflect & process your past & current emotions, & get ready to fall so in love with a tiny human. 
This season is going to stretch you so so much- it's in preparation for birth & then motherhood, so though it may be hard, don't resist it. In preparation for your birth you need to learn to surrender your control to God & bring full peace into your mind & body. This doesn't happen overnight so start now. 

Birth is not something to fear.
It is perfectly designed into a woman.
A natural birth is an opportunity for a woman to use both incredible strength & surrender to bring her child into the world.
She uses the power of the voice of her body & baby to guide her through the process.
Trusting that her body knows how to do this & her baby knows what it needs, even if she doesn’t.
Her only job is to gather all her strength to surrender to the beautiful process.

My Pregnancy Must Have's:
-Books to read (Nurture, Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering, Childbirth Without Fear, The First 40 Days, & Holy Labor)
-Claraderm Spray* (use this daily to prepare your lady parts starting at 36 weeks)
-Progessance Plus serum* (use till 12ish weeks for healthy progesterone levels) 
-Moon Womb pillow for better sleep & nursing 
-Oils for sleep (Lavender,* Peace & Calming*, Stress Away*, Dream Catcher*, Ceaderwood*, Pine*, Frankincense*) 
-Oils for back/muscle pain or tension (Deep Relief,* Valor*, Peppermint*)
-"Prenatals" It's not a "one size fits all" so you need to address what your body needs, please don't just take a prenatal. I recommend taking Ningxia Red,* Super B*, Mineral Essence*, OmegaGize*, & Beef Liver.
-For heartburn (Digize*, raw milk)
-For morning sickness, make sure you're getting the above supplements in for nourishment. Things that also may help (Peppermint*, JuvaFlex*, Digize*, Alkalime*)
-For stretch marks (10 drops each Lavender*, Frankincense*, & Copiaba* oils mixed with 1/2c coconut oil)
-Cistus* oil to be dropped in your mouth immediately after birth to help manage bleeding
-Copiaba* oil for after birth, take 5 drops every hour for the first week or so to help manage swelling
-Herbs & epsom salts for baths after birth
-Myrrh* oil & raw honey to put on tears after birth 
*Everything marked with a * is linked *

Part of being a parent is making decisions for your child's health. Many of these choices are things you cant take back- so I encourage you to do your own research & make your decisions carefully, with confidence & without fear. 

Decisions to Make/Things to Research:
-Where will you deliver
-OB, Midwife, Birth Center, Home Birth, Free Birth
-GBS testing & antibiotics 
-Eye ointment 
-Birth classes
-Delayed cord clamping
-Vaccines (all of them. The book Dissolving Illusions is a great resource.)
-Vit K shot
-Mouth ties
-Gestational Diabetes 
-IV fluids
-Cervical checks
-Continuous fetal monitoring
-Cascade of interventions
-Skin to skin
-The 5-5-5 rule
-Postpartum rest
-Placenta encapsulation 
This is not a full list, but the basics. Yes I know it can be overwhelming but this is apart of your parenthood- making decisions for your child. The Natural Minded Mamma has a great list you should read           .

By the time you deliver you should have an decision made on each of these things. 

Things to prepare your body for birth:
-Yoga or some form of daily stretching
- Pelvic opening movements w/ or w/out a yoga ball
- Make sure you are staying well hydrated 
- Make sure you are consuming a salt & mineral rich diet. Read            blog to learn more about minerals. 
- Claraderm spray every time you pee sprayed on your lady parts 35 weeks till delivery
-Gentle Birth tincture 3x a day 35 weeks till birth
-Daily movement (walks, hike, bike, whatever you like to do)
-Take the "prenatals" I talked about above. Especially Beef Liver & Ningxia Red
-Consume plenty of protein 
-Journal, process, feel (don't hold things in, now is the time for your emotions to run deep & for you to feel & heal them in preparation for birth & motherhood) 
-Minimize sugar & processed foods
-Minimize toxins in your personal care, cleaning, & food products 
-Get intentional about nourishment- the Brewer Diet is a great resource. 

I am a firm believer that pregnancy is the season of preparing for birth & postpartum. So you can go find my postpartum blog to read that- but here are some of my thoughts on birth. 

Birth is not a medical event!! 
Women’s bodies were designed perfectly by God to grow, deliver & nourish our babies.
When you lean into trusting & strengthening the trust you have & power in your own body…
You will find yourself giving birth to the mother of your dreams. 
We were made for a birth like this. 
Without unnecessary interventions. Without extra noise or people. Without panic or fear.
In the comfort of your own home. Surrounded by the people who support & make you feel safe. 
Empowered to deliver your child & encouraged listen to your baby & body to tell you exactly how to do it.

This is also an incredible resource! 


Do you have questions about oils, supplements, food, making wellness easy, or natural living?
 I'm here to help- text me & let's chat!


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