Oils & Emotions

Your emotional health is DEEPLY connected to the health of the rest of your body.  When you take the time to care for your emotions & emotional memory- you are caring for your entire body, not just your brain. 

My story.
In the spring of 2021 I had a devastating miscarriage. Our son died. And I was completely heartbroken.
All I wanted to do was curl up in bed & cry, yell or disappear. After some time I decided I wanted to step out of this pain, but I had no idea how. Until this point I hadn't used oils for emotional health- I didn't think they worked. But I was desperate for something to help my body process & begin to heal the pain of what had happened. So I grabbed a kit of oils specifically designed for emotional healing & processing.                                   I started rolling the oils on every few hours & within days I was already beginning to feel better. The oils helped me to stay calm & open to the process of journaling thorough & feeling my pain. This began for me a journey of healing, crying, processing, releasing, vulnerability, & growth. I am so dang grateful for it.

How does it work? 
Smell stimulates the memory, trauma, & emotional processing centers of your brain (the Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, & the Limbic Cortex.) When you breathe essential oil molecules into the back passages of your nose, they go straight to the brain in a central part called the amygdala. This is the central headquarters of the limbic system which manages your storage and filing system for all your emotional experiences. This part of the brain does not understand words and cannot be communicated to with spoken or written language. (That is why conscious efforts to change emotions/behaviors don't generally work.) It responds only to smell. Hence, essential oils provide a powerful means to contact that non-verbal portion of our brains that stores feelings and emotions.
When you breath in the smell of a pure essential oil, that smell will trigger your emotional processing centers making it easier for you to access, process, & heal old/suppressed, or new memories & emotions. Accessing this part of our brain with essential oils has a domino healing effect on our physical health as well as our emotional health. When we have an emotional experience, especially a traumatic or painful one, the amygdala assigns a part of your body to remember that experience until you are ready to deal with it. This is how trauma or emotional issues can cause disease.

Your body stores the memory of emotions, thoughts, feelings, & experiences in your cells!  Meaning your conscious brain may have forgotten how something made you feel or a certain emotional experience, but your body didn’t & the stored memory of that experience can affect you in ways you don’t even realize. Your body stores memory in your cells- like your liver, stomach, & your heart.  Emotional memory coming up or being triggered might show itself in a panic attack or feeling scared. 
But it might also show up as a stomach ache, acne, constipation, headaches, rashes, back pain, or a racing heart. 
These might look like separate issues, but in reality, it may be your body saying “hey I stored the memory of this bad experience in my liver(or another organ), and now I am needing you to process & release this memory because it’s making me really sick!” Yes, the body really can do that!

When I first smelled some emotional support oils I hated the smell! That was because Young Living essential oils can be emotionally detoxifying. And this can cause some emotional “die-off” effects. I had some emotional “junk” that I needed to deal with and the oils were bring that “junk” to the surface. Just like they can detox us physically, these powerful oils work in the emotional region of the brain where memories are filed. Good and bad. Stored negative emotions are now being recognized as one of the main causes of physical disease. We don’t want those toxic negative emotional memories stuck in our brain and body.

Why try oils for emotions?
Oils are an incredible tool to help your body release & process what you're feeling or have felt. By adding oils in to your daily routine you are giving your body more of the tools it needs for an abundant, healthy life. Now I'm not promising a quick fix. Oils will trigger your brain to be open, but then consistent in using the oils & you have to do the healing & deal with what comes up. Go grab some emotional support oils & start taking better care of your health! 

More on the science behind oils & the brain

A video about oils & emotions

The kit I used

Shop oils for emotions

Do you have questions about oils, supplements, food, making wellness easy, or natural living?
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