female Health
& Preparing for Pregnancy Guide

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God designed female bodies to have the focus of fertility- whether you have the goal of pregnancy in your future or not. Our bodies are intricate creations that function from a very emotional, hormonal, fluid place & that's a GOOD thing!  As a woman, it is your job to be aware of your body's needs & address them; when you're doing that you'll feel your best. There are many things you can be doing to help support & care for your body that will help you feel good & make a future pregnancy healthier. The 2 most important things are nourishment from whole foods & minimizing hormone disrupters.

Be working on the following:
* look at your personal care products & make sure they are free of hormone disrupters (deodorant, perfume, makeup, lotions, shampoo, etc)
* how often do you poop? You should poop 2-3x a day to get rid of toxins & waste. Consider a colon cleanse.
* look at your cleaning products & make sure they are free of hormone disrupters & toxins (laundry soap, dryer sheets, hand soap, household cleaner, air fresheners, etc)
* make & consume balanced, nutrient-dense meals daily 
* avoid PUFA’s & processed sugar in your diet
* make sure you’re eating enough good fats & protein 
* care for your hormone health by using progessance plus & endoflex daily (your hormones, especially progesterone need to have good levels for a healthy pregnancy)
*be aware of your current cycles, the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is incredible 

Be regularly consuming the following: 
* grass-fed meat
* beef liver/organ meats
* ningxia red
* fermented foods
* oysters/sardines 
* raw milk/dairy
* whole (not processed) foods
* locally grown produce
* soaked/fermented grains
* bone broth

Enjoy this season & build a strong community of likeminded people around you- you'll be so grateful for them later.

Part of being a parent is making decisions for your child's health. Many of these choices are things you cant take back- so I encourage you to do your own research & make your decisions carefully, with confidence & without fear.  My pregnancy guide is linked          and it may be wise to start thinking through some of the decisions now.

I am a firm believer that pregnancy is the season of preparing for birth & postpartum. My postpartum blog is linked          - but here are some of my thoughts on birth. 

Birth is not a medical event!! 
Women’s bodies were designed perfectly by God to grow, deliver & nourish our babies.
When you lean into trusting & strengthening the trust you have & power in your own body…
You will find yourself giving birth to the mother of your dreams. 
We were made for a birth like this. 
Without unnecessary interventions. Without extra noise or people. Without panic or fear.
In the comfort of your own home. Surrounded by the people who support & make you feel safe. 
Empowered to deliver your child & encouraged listen to your baby & body to tell you exactly how to do it.
-Lilyanna Eide

This is also an incredible resource! 

God designed female bodies to have the focus of fertility- whether you have the goal of pregnancy in your future or not. Our bodies are intricate creations that function from a very emotional, hormonal, fluid place & that's a GOOD thing! As a woman, it is your job to be aware of your body's needs & address them; when you're doing that you'll feel your best. There are many things you can be doing to help support & care for your body that will help you feel good & make a future pregnancy healthier.
The two most important things are nourishment from whole foods & minimizing hormone disrupters.

Things to work on:
      look at your personal care products & make sure they are free of hormone disrupters (deodorant, perfume, makeup, lotions, shampoo, etc)

      how often do you poop? you should poop 2-3x a day to get rid of toxins & waste, a colon cleanse is a great way to help reset & detox your body of toxins

      look at your cleaning products & make sure they are free of hormone disrupters & neuro/hormone toxins (laundry soap, dryer sheets, hand soap, household cleaner, air fresheners, etc)

      make & consume balanced, nutrient-dense meals daily 

      avoid PUFA’s & processed sugars in your diet

      make sure you’re consuming enough minerals for proper cellular, organ, immune, & hormone function

      care for your hormone health by using progessance plus & endoflex oil daily

      be aware of your current cycles, the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is an incredible resource

      learn more about whole food nourishment by reading the book “How to Heal Your Metabolism” by Kate Deering

Be regularly consuming the following: 
* grass-fed meat
* beef liver/organ meats
* ningxia red
* fermented foods
* oysters/sardines 
* raw milk/dairy
* whole (not processed) foods
* locally grown produce
* soaked/fermented grains
* bone broth

Enjoy this season & build a strong community of likeminded people around you- you'll be so grateful for them later.

Part of being a parent is making decisions for your child's health. Many of these choices are things you cant take back- so I encourage you to do your own research & make your decisions carefully, with confidence & without fear.  My pregnancy guide is linked             and it may be wise to start thinking through some of the decisions now.

I am a firm believer that pregnancy is the season of preparing for birth & postpartum. My postpartum blog is linked                  -but here are some of my thoughts on birth. 

Birth is not a medical event!! 
Women’s bodies were designed perfectly by God to grow, deliver & nourish our babies.
When you lean into trusting & strengthening the trust you have & power in your own body…
You will find yourself giving birth to the mother of your dreams. 
We were made for a birth like this. 
Without unnecessary interventions. Without extra noise or people. Without panic or fear.
In the comfort of your own home. Surrounded by the people who support & make you feel safe. 
Empowered to deliver your child & encouraged listen to your baby & body to tell you exactly how to do it.
-Lilyanna Eide

This is also an incredible resource! 

Hormone Health 101

Toxin Free Cleaning Guide

Nourishment 101 Guide

what are pufa's

Hormone Disrupter Guide

why ningxia?

gut health info

why raw dairy

how to make bone broth




Do you have questions about oils, supplements, food, making wellness easy, or natural living?
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